2024-2025 Tasks
seasonal tasks
Town of Mono Monora Pumpkin Trail and Community Outreach by Mono Nordic

- Promote Mono Nordic and serve cider to community members coming for an evening walk on the Monora Trail
- Set up, take down and serve cider
REGISTER: https://volunteersignup.org/LWKRJ
DATE: Nov. 1
WHERE: Lower Parking Lot, meet at the
Maintenance Buildin
New Member Greeter

- Welcome New Members who may be picking up Seasonal Rentals or dropping by
- Promote Volunteering, Programs and Events
REGISTER: https://volunteersignup.org/HAKYB
DATES: Mid Nov. at Seasonal Ski Equipment Pick Up
WHERE: Maintenance Building 10:00 to 2:00
Be an Ambassador for “Walk the Trail before the Snow Flies.”

DATE: Sat., and Sun., before Nov. 15
WHERE: Upper Parking Lot at 12:30
– Introduce community and Club members to the Monora Park Trails in order to ensure their first day skiing is a success.
– Script provided
REGISTER: https://volunteersignup.org/EF9T4
Fence Installation
– Secure the perimeter of the park for the winter season. ‘
– Sign up now and you will be contacted
REGISTER: https://volunteersignup.org/TPTD9
DATE: After Nov. 15
WHERE:Maintenance Building, Lower Parking Lot
Light Installation
– Install lights on trails
– Sign up now and you will be contacted
REGISTER: https://volunteersignup.org/JL8KL
DATE: After Nov. 15
WHERE: Maintenance Building, Lower Parking Lot