Visitng mono nordic ski club
Look no further for a great place to ski! We welcome visitors to ski with us 7 days a week. On weekdays, you can purchase a pass online or through payment at one of our convenient drop boxes. On weekends, we offer daily ski passes and equipment rentals at the lower level of the Monora Park Pavilion. See below for more information!

daily trail passes
Mono Nordic offers Daily Trail Passes for those who elect not to join the Club through an annual membership. A daily trail pass grants the skier with access to the entire 16 km trail system from dawn until dusk, and 2 km of lit trails (Red Hardwood) for evening skiing until 9:00pm.
Payment Options:
1. On-Line:
Age 8+: $10/day + online processing fees
Age 7 and under: Free
2. Self Serve Boxes:
(Cash Only Exact Amount)
Box Locations:
Pavilion Lower Level
Martin Maintenance Building
Age 8+: $10/day
Age 7 and under: Free
3. Ski Services: Pavilion Lower Level
(Weekends and Holidays 9:00am to 3:30pm)
(Debit and Credit Accepted - No Cash)
Age 8+: $10/day
Age 7 and under: Free
Keep your proof of purchase with you (electronic or paper copy) in case you are asked to show this while on the trails.
On weekends, weather permitting, we offer equipment for rent on a daily basis. Equipment rental includes skis, boots and poles. A limited amount of Classic and Skate equipment is available. Our Ski Services staff will be pleased to help you during operating hours on Saturdays and Sundays at the lower level of the Pavilion. Please note: Cut off for equipment rentals is 3:30 so equipment can be returned by closing time. Occasionally, we will also offer daily equipment rentals during the week. Watch the main page of our website for announcements about special weekday rentals.
Daily Ski Equipment Rental: $15

Ski services hours of operation
Our Ski Services staff will be available to help with purchasing Daily Trail Passes and equipment rentals on weekends from 9:00am to 3:30pm at the Pavilion, lower level. The lower level of the Pavilion can be accessed from the Upper parking lot, down the stairs on the west side of the Pavilion. Heated Men’s, Women’s and Family washrooms are available at the Pavilion on weekends. More information can be found under the Club Information & Location tab.
Cross country code of responsibility
The Mono Nordic Ski Club asks all of our Members and Visitors to read and follow the Cross Country Responsibility Code. Use of the Mono Nordic Ski Club involves various risks, dangers and hazards. It is a condition of your use of the premises and facilities and your participation in these activities that you assume all risk of personal injury, death or property loss resulting from any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract or breach of any duty of care on the part of the ski area operator.
Please read our Assumption of Risk Policy.